Welcome to the Massachusetts State Council Knights of Columbus website. Massachusetts is the second oldest jurisdiction of our Order, having been formed on April 24, 1893. We are proud to boast of our continuing efforts of practicing our Order’s principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Throughout our 293 councils in the state, with the 36,000+ members and their families, we conduct numerous programs focusing on Faith, Family, Community and Life.
This website is updated regularly to provide you with upcoming events and both written and pictorial examples of how we in Massachusetts practice the above principles every day, demonstrating that we are indeed a Catholic, family-oriented, fraternal and service organization. Visit this site often and please forward any comments you might have so that we can continue to provide you with relevant information about our wonderful jurisdiction.
Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree
Bishop James
A. Healy
Province Stanley Ciukaj
Worthy Sir Knights,
The following was sent to me to distribute to assemblies.
For Distribution to all Assemblies through their District Masters. At the meeting of the Supreme Board of Directors in July 2023, the Laws and Rules Governing the Fourth Degree of the Knights of Columbus were amended by increasing the exemplification fee from $70 to $90. There has not been an increase since 2006. By comparison, $70 in 2006 had a buying power of approximately $106 today. Due to inflation, the $70 exemplification fee now has a buying power of approximately $47. The increase is necessary to prevent District Masters from incurring a financial loss in conducting exemplifications.
With God’s Blessing, Vivat Jesus Stan Ciukaj
Master Massachusetts District
As we continue to celebrate the Oct. 31, 2020 Beatification of our beloved founder, Blessed Michael J. McGivney, please enter the Promo Code BlessedMcGivney for 12 months of free online membership.
Online Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity
MAY 19, @7PM
Brother Knights,
The Massachusetts State Council will conduct and Exemplification of Charity Unity and Fraternity on ZOOM on Tuesday May 19, 2020 at 7 PM.
All New Prospects, E-Members and Advancing Members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Councils should screen and qualify new member prospects prior to the Exemplification. This can be done either with a traditional Form 100 or by asking the prospect to join as a e-member at www.kofc.org/joinus On a temporary basis, the Form 100 can be completed by the GK, FS or Sponsor over the phone.
Make certain that the candidates provide the council number next to their name when signing on to ZOOM. This is especially important for the new members. For existing members it will also be helpful to provide their membership numbers when signing in. We will distribute the list to the GKs and FSs of record following the Exemplification. ZOOM Meeting access information is below.
Topic: Massachusetts State Exemplification
Time: May 19, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The Massachusetts State Convention has been postponed. Date is yet to be determined. Councils should still send raffle tickets to the State Office.
Brother Knights,
Yesterday we received a letter from the Supreme knight Carl A. Anderson regarding the Coronavirus and how the Knights are going to deal with it. I ask you to please read the letter attached with this notice below. For the Massachusetts Jurisdiction we will follow the Supreme Knights lead and at this time we are cancelling all State run functions until further notice, with the exception of the State Convention which has not been cancelled as of yet. That means no Lantern Award Dinner and all the the upcoming District Deputy Friendship Dinners starting with the State Deputy’s Friendship Dinner. All Council and District meetings, planned events like the Cribbage Tournament, Communion Breakfast and Council Fundraisers are all cancelled until further notice. These actions are being taken to protect all our Brother Knights.
Paul A. Flanagan
State Deputy
March 11, 2020
Dear Fraternal Leader,
The Knights of Columbus is carefully monitoring the coronavirus situation and its impact on the Order. Since the virus is spread by personal contact, containment efforts stress social distancing by restricting travel, meetings and other gatherings. Accordingly, the Supreme Council most strongly recommends the following actions to protect brother Knights and others:
Cancel all personal contact meetings, including business meetings, until further notice.
Cancel all planned events, where people would gather, until further notice.
Cancel all travel for Knights of Columbus business until further notice.
There are many ways to continue council operations without face to face contact. Here are some suggestions:
Conduct meetings by conference call, Skype, Google Groups or other methods.
Use a webinar service for large meetings like monthly business meetings.
Allow member votes by email or text to approve bills and candidate admissions.
Use the email feature of Officers Online for member communications.
Set up a call tree to contact members and ascertain their wellbeing.
Use applications like “Go fund me” to digitally raise funds for causes.
Additional information is available for members and their families on the websites of the CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL and WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION. Be aware that the elderly and sick are highly vulnerable to this disease.
This is a moment to deepen our commitment to the very principles which define us: charity, unity and fraternity. There will likely be many opportunities in coming weeks to live out these principles in service to our brother Knights, our families and our communities. May this time of difficulty also be a moment when we as Knights step into the breach and show ourselves to be disciples of Jesus Christ and men at the service of others.